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2019-07-27 10:38  










科研项目: 1、安徽工业大学校青年教师科研基金,QZ201420,主持。



1.Kuzunishi, M., Furukawa, T. and Lu, K.: Analyzing Multi-Labeled Data Based onthe Roll of a Concept against a Semantic Range. Proc. World Academy ofSciences, Engineering and Technology, refereed, Vol. 69, pp. 498–504, August,2010. WASET, Las Cruces.

2.Lu, K. and Furukawa, T.: Analyzing Methods of the Relation between ConceptsBased on a Concept Hierarchy. Proc. World Academy of Sciences, Engineering andTechnology, refereed, Vol. 77, pp. 800–805, June, 2011. WASET, Las Cruces.

3.Lu, K. and Furukawa, T.: Similarity of Transactions for Customer Segmentation.Multidisciplinary Research and Practice, LNCS (Lecture Notes in ComputerScience), refereed, Vol. 7465, pp. 347–359, August, 2012. Springer, Berlin.

4.Lu, K.: Clustering Transactions Using Context-based Distance. The KeizaiRonkyu, Vol. 143, pp. 123138, July, 2012. 九州大学大学院経済学会, 福岡.

5.Lu, K.: Introducing Set Distance Measures for Customer Segmentation. 九州経済学会年報, refereed,Vol. 50, pp. 151160, December, 2012. 九州経済学会, 福岡.

6.Lu, K. and Furukawa, T.: A Framework for Segmenting Customers Based onProbability Density of Transaction Data. Proc. 2012 IIAI InternationalConference on Advanced Applied Informatics, refereed, pp. 273–278, September,2012. IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services, Washington, DC.

7.陆可,李鸣,邹启鸣,徐浩. 改进的K-prototypes算法在农民工养老参保中的应用研究. 管理观察, 2015(10): 189-192.

8.陆可,邹启鸣,李鸣,吴金南. 基于R型聚类-因子分析的指标体系简化方法. 计算机系统应用(已录用).

9.RuilinPan, Tingsheng Yang, Jianhua Cao, Ke Lu, Zhanchao Zhang: Missing dataimputation by K nearest neighbours based on grey relational structure andmutual information. Appl. Intell. (APIN) 43(3):614-632 (2015).

10.LiHuang,Shuai Ding,Shuhao YuJuan WangKe Lu. Chaos-enhancedCuckoo search optimization algorithms for global optimization. AppliedMathematical Modelling.(To be published).


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